Thursday, October 7, 2010

Casa Larga's Limited Release Reserve Riesling

The first wine that I am going to post for you is the first wine I brought home from my job at Casa Larga.  The Limited Release Reserve Riesling is a Finger Lakes Region Riesling that is aged in old oak barrels and stainless steel.

Alcohol Content: 13%

Appearance: Light Yellow but darker than typical Rieslings.  From the oak aging I presume.

Nose (Smells from the wine): Apple, Hints of Caramel, Gummy Worms

Taste: This Riesling had the standard acidic bite at the start but mellowed quickly to a crisp finish.  I would say that this is a softer Riesling as far as acidity.  The finish was clean for the most part with a slight apple-ish back end.

Rating: 5/7  I was expecting something different with the oak aging and what I got was better than what I expected.

Final Comments: I enjoyed this different take on the Riesling, its slightly softer bite was an interesting change from what I'm used to with a more traditional one.  While I did enjoy this wine it isn't something I would pick up if I was looking for a true Riesling.  Casa Larga did a good job putting a subtle twist on this particular grape.


  1. The gummy worm part made me laugh. :) I'm glad you are doing this because I need to be more educated about different wines.

  2. Its silly but its definitely that smell.
